Dominique Lehnhofer

Dominique Lehnhofer, 33, of Fountain Inn, passed away on Wednesday, October 26, 2022.

Born in Moedling, Austria, he was the son of Andreas & Gabriele Smetana Lehnhofer.

Condolences to the family of Dominique Lehnhofer

  • I’m so sorry of your loss, Dom held a special spot in my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with your family

    Coachhouse restaurant

  • Barbie Jean
    2 years ago

    Dom was a bright spot in my days at O’Charley’s in Simpsonville. He had a good heart! My prayers are with you, his parents, as I know your hearts are broken.

  • I haven’t seen dom in a year he was great man for the longest time we hung out every day he will be missed my condolences to his dad and mom

  • Ray Brown
    2 years ago

    To Dom’s family, So very sorry to hear that Dom had been taken from this world much too soon. I always had wonderful talks wit Dom at the Coach House, We would talk about things going on around Fountain In and Simpsonville. He was an intresting fellow to talk with. I can relate to the Dad and Mom, as I too lost a son at a young age. May God make smooth the path before you in the days ahead. RIP my friend Your friend in Christ Ray Brown

  • Alfred Rak
    2 years ago

    Fur Andreas und Gabriele Lehnhofer,

    Mein tiefes Mitgefühl fur Euch in dieser Situation, – Aufrichtige Anteilnahme von Nathalie und Alfred

  • Hugo Hernandez
    2 years ago

    My condolences to Andreas & Gabriele for the loss of their beloved Son.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you that God will Comfort you in your Loss!

  • Thinking about you guys and will always have a special place in my heart for Dom. I am glad to of had the pleasure of knowing you all and please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything!!!!

  • Jodi Ruby
    2 years ago

    I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and Gabriele. May your memories and love of your precious son give you some measure of comfort. I am here if you need anything.

  • Jessica Godfrey
    2 years ago

    I’m so sorry for your loss! Dom was one of a kind and was always smiling. He loves to show off all his cool gadgets from his trips to Bin Time. He will truly be missed by many. My prayers are with y’all!

  • Susan Barbre
    2 years ago

    Dear Family, so sorry for your loss. We met at Coach House. He was always smiling, very friendly and a great server. I pray God will bless you with peace and comfort.

  • Harald Pessl
    2 years ago

    Lieber Andreas, liebe Angehörige, mit tiefster Erschütterung und Bedauern habe ich die Nachricht Eures Schicksals erfahren. Ich wünsche Euch viel Kraft und ich versichere Euch in Gedanken bei Euch zu sein. Auch wenn es schwer fällt, glaubt an die Zukunft und das Gute. Die Zeit wird hoffentlich Eure so tiefe Wunde heilen, auch wenn die Narbe für immer bleiben wird. Mit tiefstem Mitgefühl bin ich bei Euch, Harald Peßl

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