Lisa Joan Shelf

Lisa J. Shelf, 62, of Simpsonville, went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

Born in Greenville, she was the daughter of the late Bobby L. & Sylvia Blackmon Shelf Sr. Lisa had a gift of music and loved to play her flute and piano. She loved to be in nature, whether it be grabbing a pole to catch some fish or combing the beaches for another shark tooth or seashell! Lisa was a schoolteacher for over 40 years and loved each and every one of her students like her very own child.

Lisa is survived by her children, Kelby Anton Wendt of Greenville, and Karoline Christian of VA; two grandchildren, Anna Bly Christian, and Nadie Luwinna Christian; and her brother, Chip Shelf and his wife, Teresa of Simpsonville.

She was preceded in death by her niece, Sarah H. Shelf.

Service arrangements will be announced once finalized.

Condolences to the family of Lisa Joan Shelf

  • Karen Lane
    1 week ago

    Your talent and energy were boundless. My favorite all time memory was you leading the junior powderpuff team to victory. We walked in singing , “When the Juniors go marching in”. It was an incredible feeling. If it wasn’t for you, I may not of met my soulmate. I know you are in heaven. I know you are with your wonderful mother and father. You will be missed. Girl, I love ya!

  • Nancy Wingo
    1 week ago

    Chip, I am so sorry to hear about Lisa! Please know that I am praying for you and your family!! I enjoyed working with Lisa at Simpsonville Elementary! She was a good teacher and friend! Nancy Wingo

  • Ray Brown
    1 week ago

    Chip, (Teresa, and family, so sorry to hear that Lisa had been taken from this earth much too soon. But it was time to have, an edition to His band, so He took another angel home . A wonderful lady. Was a friend to members of my family for a long time. You know if I can be of any assistance in any manner, please let me know. Sending love to you and yours. Ray and Lorraine.

  • Debbir
    1 week ago

    Chip, I am so sorry for your loss! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

    • Debbie White
      1 week ago

      Chip, so very sorry for the loss of your sister! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

      Debbie White

  • Michelle Gonzalez
    1 week ago

    Chip, I am so sorry to hear about Lisa’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    Michelle Gonzalez

  • Jane Brannon
    6 days ago

    My prayers are with Lisa’s family. I was fortunate to teach with her at Simpsonville Elementary. Lisa’s energy was certainly contagious!

  • Elaine Harvey
    6 days ago

    Chip, Kelby and Karoline, Prayers for peace to each of you as you navigate the days ahead without Lisa here on earth. You were always her strength and best brother anyone would want. I have lilies and Iris in my yard from her and they will always be a sweet memory. Elaine Harvey

  • Sara Doolittle
    5 days ago

    I am so sorry! Lisa was very special in so many ways!

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