Lawrence Van Whitmyer

Lawrence Van Whitmyer, 72, of Duncan, husband of Estelle Whitmyer for 50 years, passed away on Friday, November 12, 2021. Born in Billings, MT, he was the son of the late Carl Van and Ruth Card Whitmyer.

Larry was a lifelong plumber who enjoyed going to work every day.

He was very active in many volunteering areas including just to name a few; Montana Wildlife Federation, Lake Elmo State Park, Bow Hunter Education, Billings Rod & Gun Club, a leader for cub scouts, softball coach, and an Archery Commissioner for the Big Sky State Games.  After retiring he turned to the Billings Chamber of Commerce, Meals on Wheels, and Habit for Humanity.

In his spare time, he loved, hunting, fishing, running wild with the 4-wheel drive club, camping in the back country, playingcards, tubing in the creek, cutting trees at the cabin, and going to the Linger farm for harvesting and branding.

Of course, in all that he did, his wife and children were involved.

He was a man of God who enjoyed ushering and greeting at church. Also, was actively involved in the Walk to Emmaus.

He was very proud to have served in the US Army in Vietnam.

And, of course, in all that he did he was “Not Very Good”.

In addition to his wife, Larry is survived by his daughter, Bobbi Jo Brumley and her husband, Del; his son, Larry Wayne Whitmyer and his wife, Darla; two grandchildren, Jerry Wayne Whitmyer and Kimber Ann Whitmyer; two sisters, Sandy Hansen and Judy Reynolds and her husband, Richard; and many extended family.

In addition to his parents, Larry was preceded in death by his brother-in-law, Jan Hansen.

A Memorial Service will be held at Redeeming Grace Church, 2307 SC-14, Simpsonville, SC 29681 on Monday, November 15, 2021 beginning at 11:00 am.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be made to Redeeming Grace Church.

Condolences to the family of Lawrence Van Whitmyer

  • Ernie Dutton
    3 years ago

    My favorite memory of Larry;

    Larry and I were table leaders at a Walk to Emmaus weekend. The pilgrims at the table knew that I was a team member, but they thought Larry was just one of the pilgrims. One of them must have asked Larry, “how are you doing” and received Larry’s classic response “not very good”. Consequently, the pilgrim came to me and suggested that the men at the table pray for Larry. It was difficult for me to not laugh out loud, but when Larry was out of the room, we prayed that God would bless Larry; that he might have a good weekend!

    Larry’s service, humility and faith inspired and blessed many! Good bless his soul and his family!

  • Glenn Paulson
    3 years ago

    My first year in background with the Walk to Emmaus, I wasn’t sure where to go or what to do. So I asked and was told to report to the big guy in the kitchen, introduced myself and asked “ How ya doin?”got the “ not so good “ answer. All the times I heard him say that, I often wondered when he passed if he would say “ not so good “ when he met his Lord and savior… I’m thinking he replaced the not with another “so”.

  • Daniel Cox
    3 years ago

    Larry was like a brother to me. When we came back from Vietnam we went to Alaska together and had great time. He just had met Estelle and had fallen deeply in love. I heard all about her to the point that I was almost yellous even though I had never met the women at that time! He was a wonderful fishing buddy, but he always felt “not so good”. Save journey home, Larry!

  • Kathryn Hyem
    3 years ago

    What an outstanding man! So many great times working along beside him and Estelle on W2E weekends. Even though he was…
    “Not so good” 😊 he knew how to make a person feel needed and loved. A true gentleman indeed.
    He will always be in our thoughts.
    Love and prayers for Estelle and family.

  • Nadeen Kovanda
    3 years ago

    Many others would probably agree with me, but a favorite image of Larry sitting very quietly, wearing a sombrero and serape. He had a big, big heart. Much ♥.

  • Steve Hemphill
    3 years ago

    Larry was one of my heroes, and my cousin. I met several Vietnam Vets while in the Navy, but none who actually crawled through Agent Orange infused dirt carrying a B.A.R. Whenever I would hear him respond to anyone who asked him how he was doing and he would say “not very good” I would picture him crawling through that dirt. I knew a few people like him who were exposed to Agent Orange, but he was my blood, and it hurt to see what that had done to him, even though the VA gave him 100% disability. He loved his country and was a true native Montanan. He had recently moved to South Carolina to be near his daughter Bobbi Jo, but his heart was always in Montana. It was fitting that when he passed away it was still Veteran’s Day in his native Montana.

  • Larry & Pamela Damm
    3 years ago

    Larry was a big with a big heart. We loved that dear man. He always made you feel welcomed.

    Our hearts go out to Estelle and their children. Knowing Larry is home with Jesus is a joy. He will be dearly missed by all of us. We love you Estelle. ❤

  • Chelsey
    3 years ago

    What a man. Larry never failed to make us laugh and put a smile on our faces, even while we were in the midst of struggle. He will be greatly missed. Many prayers to you all.
    Kyle and Chelsey Nickisch

  • He was a very special man that will always hold a very special place in our hearts. We will miss you dearly. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Estelle and family
    Ray & Lisa Pursley

    • I was very sorry to hear of Larry’s passing..memories of rough riders and our families and others connecting and camping..thank you for being a part of my childhood family Estelle,Bobbi Jo and Little thoughts and prayers are with you

  • Mike Neitzel
    3 years ago

    He was a great person, and a friend. My memories will always be him and Cam Larson working together helping me out and Larry would start to sing one of his lemericks, still makes me laugh.

  • Earl Linger
    3 years ago

    Larry was like a brother to me. He spent practically every summer out at our farm helping with harvest, fixing fence, branding, and what ever needed done. We did a lot of hunting together and sometimes we would just sit and talk.I’m going to miss him. Rest In Peace my friend.

  • Sue Davidson
    3 years ago

    I am so sorry on Larry’s passing. I will always remember Larry from the Walk especially. I could not have gotten the stage set up every year without his help. We had so much fun. The time went clear back to the late 70’s early 80’s out at the rifle and archery range. So many great memories. Estelle, Bobby Jo, Larry, and all the rest of the family, I send my love and prayers. Blessings!! Sue

  • Jim Linger
    3 years ago

    Larry was well loved at the Roy Linger household. We had a lot of fun playing cards and enjoyed a lot of home made ice cream together. At Christmas time we enjoyed a lot of his Dad’s (Carl) home made caramels. Larry was a lot of fun to be around. Brought a lot of laughs.

  • Estelle, I would like to share with you just how I knew your Larry!

    God made Larry kind, put a servant’s heart in him and gave him eyes to focus on others. Larry loved others as God made him to do.
    Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Larry experienced much trouble and carried his burdens with dignity while displaying a joy for life and embracing every opportunity to explore the new and have fun.
    Twenty years ago Larry decided to explore an opportunity to get to know his Lord better. He attended a Walk To Emmaus weekend and encountered Jesus Christ in a very personal way. He was never the same. Larry came to love the Lord and the people in his life more profoundly than ever. He grew more deliberate in loving as he embraced and celebrated God’s love for him.
    I was blessed to meet Larry at that Walk To Emmaus weekend and had breakfast every week with him for the next 19 years. We shared our faith and matured as men of God. Larry was faithful and committed, never missing a breakfast while several other men came and went as members of our group over the years. But wait, there’s more. Yes, Larry was a part of other groups of men as well, meeting to pursue and grow their relationship with the Lord. He wanted to share his story and encouragement with anyone who needed it. Larry was real, authentic and humble. He would appreciate my labeling him “a straight arrow”. I’ve been blessed to call him brother and blessed to know he is finally home, in the company of the Lord, right where he wanted to be.
    Estelle and Larry have been so good to so many! Now Larry is with his Savior and the community they have shared love and life with for so many years is here for Estelle. Voni and I are here for you Estelle, know that you can call on us anytime for anything. We love you.

  • Larry was a great big brother. When I was little and struggling to walk, he would pick me up, tuck me under his arm or put me on his shoulder and away we would go. I remember how much fun I had going with him to Sandy’s Hamburger Shop for burgers and shakes. When he left and got married, and I moved away, we didn’t get to spend much time together but I knew he was always there for me if I needed him. I wanted to have one last visit with him but I’ll always remember his last words to me: I love you. I miss you and love you big brother. -Judy

  • Don Osgood
    3 years ago

    Larry was one of a kind, a true friend and a servant that loved the Lord. His family is in my prayers for the loss , But it is only a change of address, He is home!

  • Ron Kapalka
    3 years ago

    HIs heart was so warm and we know you all miss him so much.
    We send much love,
    Nancy and Ron Kapalka

  • Richard Dees
    3 years ago

    As Christians, we never have to say goodbye but – I will see you later my friend.

  • Bill Bredehoft
    3 years ago

    We sure appreciated Larry’s presence at Habitat. He managed to be helpful and fun to be around despite his physical limitations. He was missed when he moved away and I’m sure everyone who worked with him will be saddened to learn of his death.

  • Like many others, I was surprised and taken aback at first by his comment that he wasn’t doing very good when asked how he was doing. But I know now that with Jesus he is doing very, very good. Larry, you will be missed by all of us at Emmanuel.

  • Cathe Kober
    3 years ago

    Larry was like a big brother to me. Our families were so close the whole time growing up. His passing has left me looking back on so many good memories. My heart goes out to Estelle and the whole family. Rest In Peace Larry heaven has received a blessed soul. Thinking of you, prayers and love you will be missed.

  • Danny & Alice
    3 years ago

    Estelle, lovely soul,
    Alice and I pray for you always. You and Larry mean so much to us, and are in our hearts. For all the years we have known you, all was fun, entertaining, educational, and especially loving. We missed you when you left, but got to hear your wonderful voices as we called each other. You will always be in our hearts and prayers, and I know my beloved brother is watching over you.
    As I said before, I lost a friend today, but I got an angel to watch over me.

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