Jesse Lee French

Jesse Lee French, 85, of Simpsonville, loving husband of Marilyn Marler French, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Thursday, January 11, 2024.

Born in Rockcastle County, Kentucky, he was a son of the late Walker and Oleva Bustle French. 

An Indiana University graduate, Jesse spent more than 35 years working for one company, Reliance Electric, beginning his career in Columbus, Indiana and ending in Greenville, South Carolina.  After his 1997 retirement from Reliance, he founded Operation Orange Ribbon Missions Ministry – raising awareness of the persecution of Christians. Through this ministry, many lives have been positively influenced, particularly teens in Kenya.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his first wife and the mother of his two sons, Judith Akers French; and his siblings Thomas Silas French, Virginia “Ginny” Duvall Hooge, Lola Jane Cromer, Joy French Keith, and Mabel Duvall David.

Surviving in addition to his wife are his sons, Jeff (Laura) French and Mark French; Marilyn’s children, Monty (Michelle) Bayne and Pam (Robbie) Garrett; grandchildren, U.S. Army Captain Justin (Megan) French, Kendall Bayne, and Garrett Bayne; great grandchildren, Pierce French and Ada Cate French; brothers, Kenneth (Eve) French, and Troy (Janet) French; and a number of loving nieces and nephews.

A Funeral Service will be held on Sunday, January 14, 2024, at First Baptist Church Simpsonville at 3:00 PM.  The family will receive friends starting at 2:00 PM.

Interment will be held on Monday, January 15, 2024, at Graceland East Memorial Park at 12:30 PM.

The family requests, in lieu of flowers, memorials be made to First Baptist Church Simpsonville’s Operation Orange Ribbon Missions Ministry.

Condolences to the family of Jesse Lee French

  • Gary Long
    1 year ago

    So sorry to hear of Jess’ passing. We’re in Wilmington now and offer our condolences from a distance.
    Jess was always a fair and considerate boss.
    We are all worse off for his passing.
    Gary & Bonnie Long

    “Estimada es a los ojos de Jehová la muerte de sus santos”
    (Salmo 116:15)
    La Iglesia Pentecostal de la Trinidad – IPETRI, desde Chile, Sudamérica, con profunda tristeza y dolor
    viene a presentar nuestras más sinceras condolencias, a su familia, iglesia y amigos, por la partida a la
    presencia del Señor Dios Todo poderoso, de nuestro querido hermano Jesse.
    Quien suscribe, nuestro presbiterio, pastorado y congregaciones de nuestra Misión, tanto en Chile como
    en Argentina y Perú, agradece a Dios por habernos dado como Cuerpo de Cristo, a este príncipe del
    Evangelio de quien se tendrá memoria como un siervo de Dios entregado a su servicio, haciéndolo con
    mucho amor y pasión, especialmente como fundador del Ministerio de Misiones “Operation Orange
    Ribbon”, creando conciencia sobre la persecución de los cristianos. A través de este ministerio, muchas
    vidas han y están siendo influenciadas positivamente, particularmente los adolescentes en Kenia. Con
    toda seguridad, en el cielo el Padre lo estaba esperando con palabras de amor y de bienvenida.
    Lo recordaremos como un fervoroso y apasionado en lo que hacía, un hombre vanguardista, valiente y
    compasivo ante quienes sufren por la causa de Jesucristo. Personalmente, junto con mi esposa, tuvimos
    el privilegio de conocerlo y al sostener una reunión con él, fuimos honrados de ser los representantes en
    Chile de “Operación Cinta Naranja”. El Señor está a cargo de tan hermosa inspiración.
    Que el Señor del cielo y Su Espíritu Santo de consuelo y fortaleza a su familia, congregación y Misión.
    Santiago, enero 14 de 2024.

    Sede Central (Obispado)
    Nueva Extremadura 5534, Quinta Normal – Santiago de Chile – Fono: (056-2) 775 2020 – E-mail: ipetri@ipetri.cl
    José Rivas Espinoza
    Una Gran Familia

  • Yoki Hay
    1 year ago

    In Jesse’s honor,
    My husband had the honor and privilege to work with Jesse in the Orange Ribbon Ministry… We were deeply touched by his example in loving and serving the LORD with all of his heart… Even when he was so limited in his health, he never stopped serving for the cause of CHRIST… Praying faithfully and motivating others to pray for The Persecuted Christians all over the world… He shared Orange Ribbon and his quest for GOD about it, with my brother-in-law (José Rivas) and my sister Kathy. So the church in Chile got involved with 88 pastors in the denomination he leads. He is faithful to pray for the persecuted Christians in the blessings of the foods they eat during the day… His granddaughter, Catita, 8 years old listened to his prayers and she faithfully ask for the Protection of the Persecuted Christians for the cause of the Gospel… Many churches in Chile, Argentina and southern
    Peru in Tacna and their families are carrying out Jesse torch under the name of “Misión Cinta Naranja”…. Jesse’s reach went far beyond our SC area… To other states and countries…
    We honor Jesse’s life and his legacy goes on…
    We pray for GOD’S comfort, peace and multiple blessings over Jesse’s family… We honor them too in their support for the cause of CHRIST…

  • Annette French
    1 year ago

    So sorry to hear cousin Jesse has passed. He and his brothers Troy and Kenneth was the apple of my dad’s eye (there uncle Lester). Jesse came and visited dad and that made my dad’s day and that was the first time I had met cousin Jess, years later Jess and his brothers formed a French gathering in Rockcastle Co (where the French’s came from) and it gave us all the opportunity to get to know our cousins a little better and we kept in touch throughout the years. Our dad’s would have loved to been there. Jesse was a true, God fearing man who loved his family and im so glad I got to know him and his beautiful wife Marilyn. RIP in the arms of the Lord Jesse 🧡, with love from your cousin Annette French

  • cathy Seng
    1 year ago

    Uncle Jesse. No words can even explain but you and I both know that. You were that kind and gentle heart when I need to get the most and you made me feel loved when I felt unlovable. We have always had a connection that is outside the boundaries of time and I know that we will see each other again. I love you and I will never stop missing you. I will check on your or wonderful angel who decided to join you on this Earth, Because her wings lifted everyone in her vicinity.

    • cathy Seng
      1 year ago

      I Also I remember what I still believed to this day was the very longest day of my life sitting through your college graduation😜😁💖

  • Denise
    1 year ago

    Marilyn, I’m so saddened for u & ur family. Jesse was such a good man & an extended part of u.(2 of the kindest people that I’ve ever known!) There r no words to relieve the grief u r going through except that I love u & will continue to pray that our God will give u a peace like no other. Just know that u r in my thoughts & prayers. Love, Denise

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