Barbara Maron Pedder

Barbara Pedder, 52, wife to Greg Pedder, mother to Peyton Pedder, Lynden Pedder, and Madeline Pedder, sister to Elizabeth Maron, passed away at 12:37pm on December 20th, 2023 after a long battle with cancer. Her final moments were spent peacefully with her loving family by her side.

Born in St. Petersburg, FL, Barbara was a daughter of the late William J. and Grace Fish Maron.  Known for her passion for teaching first grade for nearly 20 years, her love of the Lord, and sharing the gospel to others will be missed by her family and all that knew her.

A Memorial Service will be planned for a latter date.

Condolences to the family of Barbara Maron Pedder

  • Karla Patterson
    10 months ago

    Dear Pedder family…we were heartbroken to hear about Barbara’s passing today. I have fond memories of conversations and times we were able to spend together over lunch, Maddie’s soccer game, and watching the FCS play that Maddie was in. No matter the setting, we always found time to weave Jesus into our conversations. There is no doubt in my mind that she is in the loving arms of our Savior right now. I was blessed to know Barbara and will always remember her sweet and encouraging words. Please know that your family is being lifted up in prayer for peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding.

    ”Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.“
    ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    Much love…The Patterson’s
    George • Karla • Jack • Grant

  • Melanie Vradenburgh
    10 months ago

    Dear Greg and family,
    We are praying that our loving Heavenly Father will comfort you and you will feel His presence in a very real way during this difficult time! It was such a blessing to know Barbara and we are eternally grateful for the investment she made into our boys’ lives in her classroom. She always pointed them to Jesus and made Him the central point of all of her teaching – praise the Lord for the many lives she impacted for Him!!! I always enjoyed getting to have brief conversations with her in the hallways when she was either taking or picking up her students from music class – she was an example to me of giving God the glory in all things and I’m truly thankful for the kindness she showed to me! We will continue to pray for you all in the days ahead!

    Chad & Melanie Vradenburgh (Jacob, Nolan, Levi & Silas)

  • This just came through as a prayer request in our church. I am so saddened to hear this news. I’m glad for her though. Faith is now sight. We are praying for the Pedders during this difficult time.

  • Tara Peed
    10 months ago

    Mr. Pedder & family,
    Our hearts are heavy with the news of Mrs. Pedder leaving us. We had the great pleasure to get to know her when our youngest son Merritt was in her class (2018-19). Her patience & encouragement for her students was unmatched. We’ll always remember her smile, her grateful heart, and her positive attitude. We’re blessed to have known her. Our family will keep you and your girls in prayer during this difficult journey.
    With love,
    The Peed family
    Stephen & Tara
    Hunter, Landon, & Merritt

  • Lisa Joyner
    10 months ago

    Barbara….She was my sweet friend. She fought cancer with grace and strength. I will always remember her selfless love to me when I was diagnosed with cancer and getting chemo treatments. She knew the struggle from her own experience. Barbara came to my home one day with all the items she needed to give me a pedicure. She sat at my feet and pampered me that day. I was humbled by her kindness, and I’ll never forget her.
    Lisa Joyner

  • The Milton Family
    10 months ago

    Bro. Pedder and Family,
    Our prayers are with you that our loving Heavenly Father with surround you with His comfort. We sorrow with you. We are grateful for Barbara’s impact in the lives of our grandchildren and for her love for Christ.

  • Tom Sharp, AKC Reunite team
    10 months ago

    Dear Greg and family – we are so sorry for your loss. The AKC Reunite team sends love and condolences to you.

  • Judith C Pahnke
    10 months ago

    Dear Greg, Peyton, Lynden, and Madeline. Your dear wife and mother is gone far, far to early in our minds, but it is in God’s mind
    perfect timing, Christ reached out and drew her to Himself out of His deep love.
    I remember time I spent getting to know Barbara. It was her first year teaching first grade at FBCS in the room adjacent to me. I taught second grade and Peyton was in my room. I was impressed with Barbara’s kind and loving way with her students, and the tender guidance and concern for each one. But one thing she lacked early that first year. She thought she knew Christ, but she did not have a personal relationship with Him. But in October she was dramatically changed when she truly met Christ as her Savior. Head knowledge became heart knowledge in full acceptance and surrender.
    Barbara became burdened for anyone who did not know her Savior as she now knew Him, and she began reaching out – first to Greg, then others.
    What an absolute pleasure to have known Barbara and call her my friend! She had a good name to all who knew her.
    Ecclesiastes 7:1
    A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.
    I love you, Peddar family! Praying for you. Judie Pahnke

  • Neva Ott
    10 months ago

    Our prayers are with you and your family – only met your mom once but she was so sweet!

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