Stephen Dunn

Stephen Dunn, 73, of Simpsonville, widower of Alida Jo Kornreich, passed away on Thursday, May 18, 2023. Born in Morristown, NJ, he was the son of the late Joseph Leo Dunn and the late Patricia Alma Dunn Markman.

Steve was the last surviving member of his family. A private memorial service will be held in the future.

Condolences to the family of Stephen Dunn

  • Dolores von Philp
    1 year ago

    Steven. This is Little Dolores. Your cousin. Dolores Louise Phillips. I kept putting off coming to see you. I wish there had been more time to speak with you. So you’ve been dead all these months and I just found out today. The Sounds of Silence.

  • Hi Mr. Dunn, it’s Tosha. I used to be your caregiver. I’ve debated writing here for months because I’m not family. But I wanted to put out there in the world that I enjoyed visiting with you so much. I won’t forget the many Law and Order episodes, old timey movies, and war documentaries we watched. It cracked me up how you were so polite but sometimes you would say something so brutally honest. I loved to hear you talk about meeting your wife and your baseball days. My heart was happy to see your face brighten up on Christmas morning at the sight of a Christmas tree. I tried to contact you once after I switched jobs and thought perhaps you didn’t remember me, but that you were okay. I wish so very much that had been true. My boys loved hearing stories about you. Whenever I hear The Band play The Weight, I think of you and smile. Prayers for peace and comfort still.

  • Patti Phillips-Brown
    12 months ago

    Cousin Stephen, sad to hear of your passing. I remember the last time, I got to see you with your Mom, in Lakewood Ranch Fl, we went to lunch with Ashley. I remember as kids all of us were always in awe of you, you were the oldest. Walpack NJ was a fun place, Your Mom and Christopher were waiting for you in Heaven, and Peter. I’m living in SC now, and had wanted so bad to see you, but I was quite ill myself, just finished cancer treatments. I know you’re in a perfect place with all of our relatives in Heaven. Love your cousin, Patti Phillips-Brown

  • Sharon robbins
    4 weeks ago

    I am so sorry to hear about your passing. And Christopher and Peter and your mom Patricia. I grew up in walpack with you and have a lot of good memories of life there. And the post office and hazel. Wish we could go back. Hope to see you in heaven . Love Sharon robbins

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