Robert Edward Morris, Sr.

Robert Edward Morris, Sr., 97 years old, died peacefully at Lakeside Assisted Living in Boiling Springs, South Carolina on January 9th, 2022.  He was preceded in death by his son, Robert E. Morris, Jr. in South Carolina and wife, Mary, of New Jersey.  He is survived by his daughter-in-law, Valerie Morris of South Carolina, his children, Mary Baron, of Kentucky and John Morris, of Washington state, his grandson, John Baron of Kentucky and a great grandchild.

Dad was a hard, take-charge worker all his life.  He knew the auto industry well and was the general manager for Reedman’s automobile, a high end auto sales establishment in Pennsylvania for many years with a lot of stamina, retiring in his mid-80’s.  In his heyday, Dad was about as tried and true a car buff as there can be.  He loved old cars and the sounds of racing at the tracks.

He was a perfectionist, worked non-stop and fought to stay fiercely independent all his life.  It was important for him to pay attention to details and things had to be right.

Dad’s faith was very loyal and strong.  He loved to attend Catholic church regularly and would often go to pray and light candles for people.  He was generous and volunteered in the city shelters to help serve the poor and homeless meals, especially on Holidays.  He would help others by taking them to doctor appointments or bringing reading materials to the homebound.

Most of all, Dad loved the Atlantic Ocean and would go to his Jersey shore house every week to see the beach.  He was an avid fisherman and went out on deep sea fishing excursions often with friends and his children.  He continued to go out on chartered boats fishing until he could not physically do it any longer.

Dad finally moved to South Carolina so he could be with his son, Robert, Jr. who went to Heaven to be with Jesus on March 24, 2021.

As Dad would often say, “God Bless You”, when you did anything to help him.  Dad, you brought peace and warmth to the family and your endless love will continue to bind us together.  One day, we will all rejoice with you when God calls us home.

Papa son, (Dad) your absence will leave a deep wound in my heart.  It is sad to feel that you are no more with us on earth, but your love and peaceful memories are still our guide.  Rest in Peace Papa son. I love you and I always will, your daughter-in-law, Valerie.

A private prayer service will be held on Monday, January 10, 2022.

In lieu of flowers, those who wish to remember Robert in a special way may make gifts in his memory to the mission program and homelessness to

Triune Mercy Center
PO Box 3844
Greenville, SC 29608

Condolences to the family of Robert Edward Morris, Sr.

  • Laurel Adams
    3 years ago

    Dear Mary and John, his surviving children, John and Johana, his surviving grandson and great granddaughter, Joe, his son-in-law, Valerie, his daughter-in-law and devoted caregiver throughout his convalescent journey…our deepest condolences are with you.

    Mr. M. was a dynamo in his profession, a generous man in his dealings and a joy at many family gatherings at our NJ table. Mary and Joe would be visiting with us and he would come up to share a seafood feast at our table with his favorite homemade pumpkin pie for dessert. He would always leave, laden with leftovers with our communal laughter still ringing in the air. I will forever chuckle at his dismay that there was no local WAWA in our rural hunterdon county area for him to grab a coffee to go; we would brew him one for the road. Godspeed, Mr. M.! You were, are and ever will be a bright light in our 25+ year friendship base with your daughter and her family. Love, Laurel and Rick

  • Mary Baron
    3 years ago

    I am filled with memories of my Dad from my childhood to my adulthood. My Father could never sit still. He constantly was on the move and retired at 88 years old, because he was afraid there was nothing for him to do to keep busy enough. The car business was his life and he received many award’s especially from the Jaguar company. I am very proud of my Father for all of his accomplishments. You will be missed Dad and some day we will all be together again. Love you.
    Your Daughter, Mary

  • Mary Baron
    3 years ago

    My Dad and I enjoyed many fishing trips together. Another thing we both enjoyed was going to the drag racing track.. I can still hear Dad explain to me all about the cars that were racing that day. The one thing that I am particularly grateful for is that Dad taught me how to live on my own. Love and miss you Dad
    Your Son, Johnny

  • Lou Cardis
    3 years ago

    I recently asked a friend about Bob’s status. He entered my life when I stretched my resources to buy my first pick up truck forty eight years ago. My fishing buggy. A 1974 3/4 ton 4 wheel Chevy c-20 that I still have. Bob and I began a lasting friendship that lasted through the years. One great honor he bestowed upon me was to make him a fishing rod that he used to land many fish. All my cars came through him as the years passed. He was always there with advice when I needed it most. I consider myself fortunate to have touched his life. RIP Bob, see you on the other side.

  • mitch zarenkiewicz
    3 years ago

    It was a great pleasure & experience working with Bob at the Dealership. he enjoyed selling Trucks as I did. He always had that Good Morning Wave And Smile as he entered the showroom. he would always say, how many today, as in how many cars and trucks are you going to sell today.

  • Wayne Patton
    3 years ago

    Mr Morris was a great guy and he was the best boss that I had ever worked for. He took all of us young goofy kids under his wing at Reedmans. He even took us out deep sea fishing a few times. Condolences.

  • So many fond memories working At Reedmans. Bob Morris made it even better. He always had something good to say and was never negative. Cracked me up on more than a few occasions. My first day there i called him Mr.Reedman. He told me his name in the fashion of James Bond. I’ll never forget him. R.I.P

  • Worked at Reedman Corporation thirty-nine years, knew Bob quite well, he had boundless energy,was a problem solver, a pleasure to work with and at all times a gentleman. Farewell Bob, it was a privilege knowing you.

  • Bob Morris was a constant working machine and a class gentlemen .
    Mr Morris taught me a solid work ethic and the importance of doing everything to the best of my ability
    Bob Morris was a very good man who helped a lot of people better themselves.

  • Robert Morrell
    1 week ago

    I’m sure Ed Lougherey had something to do with that. Bob Morris was seemingly omnipotent. He was everywhere at Reedmans. He’s truly a legend. God bless you Mr. Morris

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