Matthew Shaw

Matthew Shaw, infant son of Andrew and Stacey Shaw, went to be with Jesus Christ on Sunday, July 8, 2018.

Matthew will be dearly missed by his mom and dad and four grandparents.

Condolences to the family of Matthew Shaw

  • Thelma & Kirby Ballew
    7 years ago

    We are sorry for the loss of your precious baby. Only those whom have experienced this can really know your loss. Prayers for you and your family.

  • Ray and Barbara Brown, Fountain Inn
    7 years ago

    I and my wife Barbara, want to express our heartfelt loss of little Matthew, we have also lost a son. No matter the age of the child, it is still your son or daughter. We know that he is now in the arms of Jesus. With tour trust and faith in our savior, you have the great hope that some day you will be re-united with Matthew and be able to hold him forever more. My God bless both of you and if it is his will you may have other children to have in your life

    P.S. I met you in the funeral home when you came in to see Andy on Tuesday afternoon.

  • Barbara Pridmore
    7 years ago

    I’m sorry for the loss of your precious baby boy.
    Prayers for you and your family.
    I met you in the funeral home today.

  • Wilton & Joan Fowler
    7 years ago

    Joan and I are heart broken for you at this time but to know that God needed little Matthew so soon after his birth tells us Just how precious he really was. Jesus said suffer the little children to come into me and forbid them not for as such is the kingdom of heaven. He’s in good hands waiting for his Mom and Dad

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