Julia Goodwin

Julia Mary Desmond Goodwin, widow of Randall Goodwin and only child of the late Hattie Balfour Desmond, and Frank Desmond of Jamaica Plain Massachusetts, went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. She was born January 6, 1930 and spent her first 55 years in the Boston area, and then in 1985 moved south to Greenville. She currently has resided in Simpsonville since 1999.
She had three daughters, Eva Goodwin and her husband Don Hight of Winston Salem, NC, Debbie Schuetterle of Greer, SC, Sylvia France and her husband Joe of the home.​
Grand Children: Dawn Marie Peterson and her husband Faruq of Clemmons, NC, Christian Schuetterle of Greer, SC.
Great Grandkids: Ali and Akeem Peterson of Clemmons, NC, Step-Great Grandkids Asiah and Aaquil Peterson, of Mocksville, NC.
Special family friends Maria Smith and Rick Corbin.
She loved having her cherished feline fur babies Winston and Brianna close by her all the time. She raised her daughters to become animal lovers. She enjoyed her grand dogs Ellie Mae, Tequila, Bear, Moose and Nala. Grand cats Tonka, Diamond, Buddy, Jonah, Bethany, & Babette (Ba-Boo to Mom), brought her much joy.
Mom was a fighter, even though she lost most of her vision to macular degeneration she still enjoyed watching and listening to “The Price is Right”, her afternoon soap operas, MSNBC and ghost adventure programs. She loved keeping the family (especially her sons’ in law) on their toes, and she would let you know if she was displeased with something.
Mom was not your typical homemaker, she loved travel, Greyhound buses, cars from the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s and lying in the sun. She loved silk flowers, because they last forever, and train whistles. She was the “keeper of the cats” and she liked it that way. She’ll forever be remembered by us as the strongest woman we ever knew.
The family requests with gratitude that any memorial contributions in her name be directed to the ASPCA, or an animal charity of your choice.

Condolences to the family of Julia Goodwin

  • So very sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. Your neighbors send condolences and lift the family in prayer.

  • Thank you so much Freida, we appreciate you and Baron very much.

  • I remember your mother from LPA gatherings in the Boston area when we were kids. She was beautiful, warm and friendly. Blessings to all of you in the weeks to come.

  • Shirley Daley Gunyan
    5 years ago

    Many years have passed since we were neighbors in Somerville, but I have thought of you often. It is nice to know that you have had a Good life & the love of your children, & grandchildren. Rest in peace in the arms of God & his angels.

    • Thank you Shirley for the lovely sentiments…She will be missed greatly..

  • Ann Moschella Garabedian
    5 years ago

    Eva, I remember your Mom fondly. I always thought she was so beautiful, and you look exactly like her. I remember her calling for you to come home when playing at my house, from a back second floor window, where she and your Grandmother used to hang out laundry when you lived on Summer St….funny the things we remember. Keep her close in your heart. God Bless you, your sisters and your families. May Julia rest in sweet peace in the arms of our Lord. I hope you find peace and comfort in these trying times. All my best to you and your family. 7/1/2020

    • Memories are absolutely treasures…I can close my eyes and hear her calling me..Those years on Summer st were great times..

  • Peter Macdonald
    5 years ago

    Eva ,and family , I’m so sorry for your loss. I never met your mom but she is beautiful and led a very full and interesting life. It’s remarkable how much you resemble Julia. Back in 1973-74 I learned a little about your mom and dad but it wasn’t until this past year that I learned so much about your parents and how special they were to you. Cherish and hold on to the special memories and know how proud they are of you and your sisters. Both my parents have passed but I want to share that over the years since I have felt their presence and signs that I know you will also have and enjoy.

    Our condolences
    Peter & Anne Macdonald

    • Thank you Peter and Anne…beautifully written..i know she will watch over us now

  • Peter Macdonald
    5 years ago

    Eva ,and family , I’m so sorry for your loss. I never met your mom but she is beautiful and led a very full and interesting life. It’s remarkable how much you resemble Julia. Back in 1973-74 I learned a little about your mom and dad but it wasn’t until this past year that I learned so much about your parents and how special they were to you. Cherish and hold on to the special memories and know how proud they are of you and your sisters. Both my parents have passed but I want to share that over the years since I have felt their presence and signs that I know you will also have and enjoy.

    Our condolences and prayers
    Peter & Anne Macdonald

  • My Julia i will miss you so much..I am so glad i called you and we had our talk about your day..Your lunch and your stories..We finally came full circle ..Love you ..Yup theres that L word..😥😪❤

  • There will be a memorial service for Mom on Saturday July 18th at St. Michael Lutheran Church in Greenville, SC at 11:00 AM. The live-streaming will be at St. Michael’s facebook page – it can be accessed without a facebook account… That URL is – https://www.facebook.com/smlcgreenville/. Thank you all for your kind and beautiful thoughts.

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